Some aspects of the legal status of bodies of management of apartment house

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The analysis of the legal status of the general meeting of premises owners in an apartment house and the council of an apartment house. The council of an apartment building is not recognised as a ruling body of an apartment building by the Housing Code of the RF (further - HC RF), however, the content of the competence of the council suggests that the council of an apartment building has a number of executive, administrative and supervisory powers, which are characteristic of collegial executive bodies of legal entities. The authors attempted to identify problematic and lacoona aspects of the legislation concerning the legal status of the general meeting and in respect of council of an apartment house. The scientific and regulatory sources of these problems are analysed. The authors come to the conclusion that the primary form of exercise of powers by the owner of the common property is the general meeting of the owners in an apartment building, the competence of which is limited to a closed list of issues by the legislator


The general meeting of owners of apartment house, the competence of the general meeting, the order of holding the general meeting and decision-making, the council of an apartment house, the competence of council of an apartment house, apartment building, the general meeting of residents, owner, management of apartment houses


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IDR: 142233726

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