Some aspects of improving law-making activities of executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Бесплатный доступ

At the present stage of the development of the Russian state, the value of legislative support and public recognition of ongoing transformations objectively increases as well as the value of effective social and legal regulation of public relations. The further development of the rule-of-law, social state is impossible without an adequate formation of the necessary legal framework for a new system of governance that, in its turn, is impossible without proper rules of writing normative acts. Based on the analysis of the Resolution of the RF Government dated 13 August 1997 No. 1009 "On the approval of the Rules of preparation of regulatory legal acts of Federal executive bodies and their state registration", the authors conclude that there is the need for further improvement of the regulatory framework of law-making of Federal executive bodies in order to create a unified system of Russian legislation.


Normative legal acts, executive authorities, russian legislation, legal norms

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IDR: 142232736

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