Some of the issues and peculiarities of the development of services

Автор: Saidov Dilshod, Allanazarov Bekmurod, Alimov Atabek

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (5), 2016 года.

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This article discusses some theoretical and methodological issues, and peculiarities of the development of services. Analyzed global trends and prospects, negative and positive factors of the development of services and features of the development of this sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the process, information was obtained that the trend of increasing the share of income from the service sector in the GDP was designated in developed countries in 1960-1970-ies. According to estimates of the World Bank at 1 January 2015, the contribution of the service sector is more than 70% of global GDP. Lead and analyzes the classification of service sectors on WTO standards and national standards in Uzbekistan. The paper notes that not only increases the share of the service sector in the GDP of the country, and there is a significant increase in the proportion of people employed in the production of services. In many countries, this figure exceeds the corresponding value for industrial production. For example, more than 80% of the employed population in Luxembourg, the UK, Israel, in 2014, were employed in this sector. It analyzes the positive growth in the share of this sector in the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as on January 1, 2016 the share of this sector in GDP amounted to 54.5 per cent, and also changed the structure of services provided through the development of advanced innovative services.


Services, sectors of services, factors of economic growth, gdp growth, traditional services, high technology services

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14110894   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.54667

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