Some questions of individualisation of objects of state procurement

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Legal regulation of state and municipal needs at the moment is of particular importance as one of the main activities of the modern crule-of-law state. This article discusses the individualisation of objects within state procurement through electronic auctions, in relation to the requirements established by law. In particular, the analysis of law enforcement and court practice of interpretation of the concept "place of origin", "country of origin" in the evaluation of the first parts of the applications for participation in electronic auctions. The need for such analysis due to the fact that ambiguous provisions relating to the indication of the appellation of origin and the country of origin is often the basis for rejecting the applications of the participants of the auction, and under certain conditions may violate their rights. The use of applied solutions enables authors to neutralise the corresponding problems in law enforcement customers.


Contracts, state procurement, state order, contract system, participant purchases, state customer, an electronic auction, appellation of origin, country of origin, the individualization of the goods

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IDR: 142232599

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