The required poetry of intellectual creativity in gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics

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This article explores such a problem as identification of philosophical knowledge. It is proposed to turn to Gadamer's project of philosophical hermeneutics, within the framework of which there's a convergence between poetry and philosophy on the grounds of some of their common features itemized in the paper. Convergence of philosophy with poetry in particular and with a work of art in principle allows to clearly distinguish philosophy from science and also reveal its importance in the context of daily practice for each person. The important point is that in poetry - both at the time of its creation and perception, that is in any case interpretation - the person is able to listen to the language, comprehending creatively its patterns, i.e. the circumstances of his own being, because human experience of the world is fundamentally linguistic. Such a practice contributes to actualization of feelings and thoughts, which in terms of philosophy promotes the development of critical thinking ability.


Практическое знание ("phronesis"), philosophical hermeneutics, understanding, cultural tradition, language, art, game, truth, poetry, participation, critical intelligence, practical knowledge ("phronesis"), everyday life

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IDR: 148102094

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