The need to use the cluster method of cooperation in the construction of a metallurgical plant based on complex deposits in the Jewish autonomous region

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The article substantiates the need to build a metallurgical plant in the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Far East. The region has large reserves and resources, 3 billion tons, of poor iron ores (with an iron content of 32-35%), sufficient for the operation of a mining enterprise and a metallurgical plant for 100 years or more. The need to create a metallurgical plant based on them for steel smelting has been confirmed by the research of many institutes in the country. Scientific research in recent years has proven the presence of industrial concentrations of gold, platinum and silver in iron ores that exceed the value of iron ores, as well as the presence of rare earth minerals in iron ores. Consequently, the iron ore deposits of the region acquire the status of a strategic mineral raw material for the economy of the region and the country, which should be immediately involved in metallurgical production to extract, first of all, precious metals. Similarly to the Australian gold-silver-rare earth-uranium deposit Olympic Dam, which also contains 35% Fe in ores. This deposit is being developed only for related metals, which represent the main value of the deposit. Currently, iron ore is being mined and enriched at the Kimkan deposit by the Kimkan-Sutarsky GOK. However, the mining company does not have enough financial resources to build a metallurgical plant. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a progressive innovative cluster method of cooperation between enterprises and the state, with total financial resources of about 5-10 billion doll. required to create a metallurgical plant in 4-5 years. The created metallurgical plant for the production of steel and precious metals will ensure the breakthrough development of the entire economy of the Far East, which fully corresponds to the state task of accelerated development of the Far East until 2030.


Far east, jewish autonomous region, construction of a metallurgical plant, cooperation between enterprises and the state, cluster method of cooperation

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IDR: 143182490

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