Neologisms of the English language arising out of the global COVID-19 pandemic: features of creation and operation

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This work highlights the research results aimed at defining the features of the COVID-19 pandemic neologisms in the English language. Like any living language. As the COVID-19 pandemic affects all spheres of human life (economic, social, political and spiritual) as well as any human language, over the last year all languages have been enriched with new lexical units to denote pandemic-related objects and processes that go far beyond medical discourse. It has been found that the peculiarities of the formation of the analyzed neologisms are embedded in extralinguistic factors. Among the COVID-19 pandemic neologisms, semantic innovations predominate, associated with the existing concepts rethinking, such as: lockdown, isolation.


Neologism, pandemic, semantic innovation, transnomination, term, nominative model, discourse, extralinguistic factor

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203550   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-4-156-162

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