Onconventional sources of hydrocarbonic raw materials of the arctic area of the European northeast of Russia as the basis for development of new industries

Автор: Burtsev I.N., Bushnev D.A., Kotik O.S., Kuzmin D.V., Mashin D.O., Burtseva I.G.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Геолого-минералогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2015 года.

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Importance and prospects of development of black and brown coal fields, oil shales and natural bitumens in the Arctic area of the European North of Russia are shown. New results of geological and technological researches of coals of the Pechora basin are presented. As a result of technological tests the possibility of their processing by methods of devolatilization and gasification with production of valuable fuel and raw materials for chemical processing is proved. Devolatilization of coal concentrates will allow obtain the low-ash high-carbon product corresponding to metallurgical coke. High economic efficiency of processing of oil shales is shown. The high thiophenes content in the oil shale resin allows to estimate it as a valuable chemical raw material. Shale, oil, electric energy, fuel gas, oil shale ash are the main commodity products of processing. The resource potential of natural bitumens in the region is considerable. This raw material is perspective for use in the road sector and the petrochemical industry.


Arctic, european north of Russia, black and brown coals, oil shale, natural bitumens, devolatilization of coal, gasification, shale oil, petrohemistry

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IDR: 14992775

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