Non-usual word formation in poetic discourse at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries

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The article examines non-usual word formation in modern poetic discourse. The activation of occasional models of word creation in artistic contexts at the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries is due to the fact that modern poetic language is characterized by such features as verbal experimentation, striving for maximum expression and creativity, and the search for new ways of nomination. The study is based on the poetic works of two famous modern poets - A. Levin and V. Strochkov. It has been established that these authors actively use occasional neo-derivatives in order to involve readers in a language game that implies deciphering the meanings hidden in the structure of the word. The individual authorial methods of word formation, such as substitution and contamination are shown to be used most actively. The cases of ambiguous interpretation of occasionalisms are determined; such cases are noted to be caused by the interaction of substitution and contamination both with each other and with traditional affixation. It is concluded that experiments with words characterize the original authorial manner of the poets A. Levin and V. Strochkov, reflect their personal attitude to extralinguistic reality. The study of non-usual models of word formation is of great practical significance, since their use activates certain mechanisms of the word formation system and stimulates its development.


Occasionalism, word-formation model, poetic discourse, stylistics, linguistic game

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IDR: 149146842   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2024.4.12

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