New innovative technologies in the teaching of the subjects «Drawing geometry» and «Engineering graphics»

Автор: Rakhimov A.M., Tairova N.S.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 11-1 (90), 2021 года.

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To implement the requirements of the basic educational programs in the disciplines "Descriptive geometry" and "Engineering graphics", the analysis of the low academic performance of students that has developed in recent years has been carried out and modern auxiliary methods have been proposed to increase the level of mastering of these disciplines by students. As a result of the analysis of the low academic performance of students in these disciplines, external and internal reasons were identified. The main external reasons include: adaptation of freshmen to new learning conditions; lack of an initial base for descriptive geometry and drafting. The main internal reasons include: reducing the classroom load; change in the form of final certification. Of the listed reasons for improving the quality of education, it becomes necessary to adapt teachers to new working conditions, which entails a revision of teaching methods and technologies. In order to increase the level of mastering by students of the disciplines "Descriptive Geometry" and "Engineering Graphics" and to save study time, it is necessary to introduce interactive methods into the learning process. New technologies help to shape spatial thinking, develop and shape students' professional competencies. For the implementation of interactive methods, various tools are used as software, which allow the creation of auxiliary teaching materials. Based on the fact that there are various types of work with students, this work proposes a classification of tools for creating educational materials or implementing interactive methods. In this case, tools are software that which allows you to create training videomaterials etc. The created material is animated videos with a detailed explanation of the construction of tasks, video lectures, test tasks. This paper proposes a methodology for creating auxiliary teaching material. The purpose of these training materials is, firstly, invaluable assistance to the student, aimed at the development of spatial thinking, the formation of basic theoretical concepts and methods of constructing drawings; secondly, saving time of the educational process. Invaluable assistance to the student, aimed at the development of spatial thinking, the formation of basic theoretical concepts and methods of constructing drawings; secondly, saving time of the educational process. invaluable assistance to the student, aimed at the development of spatial thinking, the formation of basic theoretical concepts and methods of constructing drawings; secondly, saving time of the educational process.


Descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, innovative technologies in teaching, interactive methods, animation.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140261189

Список литературы New innovative technologies in the teaching of the subjects «Drawing geometry» and «Engineering graphics»

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