New publication on the strategic management system for the development processes of Northern Russia

Автор: Kondral D.P.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Information resources

Статья в выпуске: 15, 2014 года.

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The paper presents a new publication “Strategic Management of Processes of Spatial and Territorial Development of North Russia: Problems and Prospects”

North, Arctic, strategic management, planning of development processes, policy-­making

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148319856

Список литературы New publication on the strategic management system for the development processes of Northern Russia

  • Kondral D. P., Morozov N. A. The strategic management of the spatial and territorial development of the North of Russia: Problems and Prospects: mono-graphy. Syktyvkar: Publishing House of the Syktyvkar State. University Press, 2014. 96 p.
  • Kondral D. P., Morozov N. A. The management processes of the modernization of the political system of the modern Russia (regional aspect): monograph. Syktyvkar: GAOU VPO Crags, 2012. 165 p.
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  • Pilyasov A. N. Russian Arctic: status and prerspectives // Materials Center site NP strategic partnership "Russian North: modernization and development." URL: (Date of access: 01.07.2013).
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