A new local stratigraphic scheme of the Upper Cambrian - Ordovician Pay-Khoy (Ugra peninsula)

Автор: Romanov A.A.

Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1 (277), 2018 года.

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This work presents a new stratigraphic scheme of the Upper Cambrian - Ordovician Pay-Khoy. It comprises all the information currently available on sedimentary and volcanic formations. Two stratigraphic regions have been identified as part of the Pay-Khoy subzone of the Lemva zone for the Upper Dapingian - Hirnantian. In the first isolated Yambpei region deposits that can be attributed to transitional facies between the shelf formations of the Elets zone and the deep-water formations of the Lemvinskaya zone are described. The new Severnyy Ruchey formation was distinguished in the volume of the upper part of the Hengur formation in the Central-Pay-Khoy district. All local stratigraphic units are brought into combliance with the Stratigraphic Code.


Ugra peninsula, ordovician, upper cambrian, local stratigraphic scheme, pay-khoy, formation, lakorsale formation, severnyy ruchey formation, oyu sedimentary and volcanic formation, taripat-yakha formation, yambpe formation, velikaya reka formation


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149128705

IDR: 149128705   |   DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-1-12-18

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