Novel Current-Mode All-Pass Filter with Minimum Component Count

Автор: Jitendra Mohan, Bhartendu Chaturvedi, Sudhanshu Maheshwari

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 12 vol.5, 2013 года.

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In this paper, two novel first order current-mode all-pass filters are proposed using a resistor and a grounded capacitor along with a multi-output dual-X second-generation current conveyor (MO-DXCCII). There is no element matching restriction. Both the circuits exhibit low input and high output impedance, which is a desirable feature for current-mode circuits. The proposed circuits are simulated using SPICE simulation program to confirm the theory.

Analog signal processing, DXCCII, current-mode, all-pass filter

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IDR: 15013149

Список литературы Novel Current-Mode All-Pass Filter with Minimum Component Count

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