New categories of information warfare: mis-, dis-, malinformation and legal consequences of using the MDM information disorder model

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The article considers the MDM (misinformation, disinformation, malinformation) model of information disorder adopted by the experts and state bodies of Western countries to justify the prosecution for the publication of reliable information and the search for corpus delicti when making criminal decisions. Examples of the use of the category of malinformation in the detention of objectionable representatives of the media are given, as well as examples of the introduction of this concept into official publications and documents of international organizations and law enforcement agencies, conducted with the assistance of the Anglo-Saxon core of the group of states of the collective West. The author makes the conclusion about the danger of widespread dissemination of the MDM information disorder model for freedom of speech and the right of citizens for reliable information.


External destructive information and psychological influence, external information pressure, target regions, border regions, information warfare, digital communications, information flows, social media

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IDR: 170202369   |   DOI: 10.31171/vlast.v32i1.9925

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