New trends in the development of education

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The article analyzes new trends in the development of secondary and higher education that in the next 20 years will form brand new image of educational system. Authors show that transition to overall higher education leads to decreased value of higher education in developed countries which will be the first to complete this process. In the developing countries the value of higher education will increase as well as the amount of foreign students at prestigious universities in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France and other countries with modern higher education systems. At the same time exponential growth of student communities in developing countries will force universities in these countries aim higher in international ratings by massive invitation of lecturers from the leading universities and significant increase of their salary. As a result university costs all over the world will grow rapidly. At the same time more important role will be given to massive open online courses that can help in decreasing costs growth on the one hand and on the other hand lead to reshuffling of all higher education architecture.


Primary/secondary education, universities, new educational technologies, competence-based approach, russian specific features

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227056

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