Newly discovered Neolithic site in the Middle Trans-Urals

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The authors of the article present materials from a newly discovered site on the shore of Verkhnesaldinsky Pond (Sverdlovsk oblast). The dating of the site varies, but 97% of the finds date back to the Neolithic era. The ceramic complex contains five types of Neolithic ceramics, among which the Koksharovo-Yuryinsky type of ceramics predominates (64,6%). A rare find is the corolla of a vessel with a relief zoomorphic image. Similar relief images were found at the settlements of Yuryinskoye, Poludenka I, Chashiha, as well as at the sanctuaries of the Koksharovsky, Ust-Vagilsky and Makhtylsky hills. The total number of fragments with relief images does not exceed 120 specimens, of which 107 specimens originate from the site complex of the Yuryinskoye settlement - Koksharovsky hill. The stone inventory fully corresponds to the Neolithic materials of the Middle Trans-Urals. Its features include a small number of plates and products made from them, the absolute predominance of scrapers on flakes and the complete absence of grinding plates. The presence of primary crust on half of the stone products indicates the use of local raw material base.


Middle trans-urals, neolithic, types of ceramics, stone tools, mineral raw materials

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IDR: 148328458   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2024-6-1-161-174

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