Numerical study of heat transfer intensity in shell tube heat exchangers

Автор: Babakhodjayev R.P., Jumaniyazov A.A.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 12-1 (91), 2021 года.

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Today, every state wants to use economic and economic and innovative technologies, and the existing enterprises and organizations conduct efficiency and distinguishes from opponents. With this goal, the whole world wants to achieve high efficiency in all areas, using new innovations. Digital organization of heat transfer in shell pipes is one of such effective innovations.

Heat exchange, microparticles, convection and radiation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140262384

Список литературы Numerical study of heat transfer intensity in shell tube heat exchangers

  • Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability
  • Lochan, SA, Fedyunin, D.V., Bezpalov, V.V. va Petrosyan, DS (2015). Korxonalarning sanoat siyosatini shakllantirishning nazariy masalalari. Xalqaro iqtisodiyot va moliyaviy muammolar jurnali, (3S), 274
  • Plaskova, N.S., Prodanova, N.A., Zatsarinnaya, E.I., Korshunova, L.N., & Chumakova, N.V. (2017). Innovatsion faoliyatni investitsiya jozibadorligini baholashni amalga oshiruvchi tashkilotlarni uslubiy qo'llab
  • primenenie-kozhuhotrubnyh-teploobmennikov.html.
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