On the classification of the phenomena of extremism and terrorism: the unity of essence and polyvariant display in the society

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The problem of extremism and terrorism is analyzed in the theoretical and legal aspect. The analysis of these concepts made it possible to study in detail the existing classifications formed taking into account a number of specific criteria. It is noted that the classification itself is not universally recognized, since, in addition to differences in the bases, many researchers, revealing the features of a particular type (form), do not always put a single content into it. Political, religious, ethnic and other factors influencing the development of terrorism and extremism are studied, and their analysis is carried out. The views of leading scientists regarding these socially dangerous manifestations are considered. The versatility of the concepts under consideration is indicated. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that, despite the considerable diversity of types and forms of terrorism and extremism, they, as destructive social phenomena, are mutually conditioned and form a dialectical unity.


Extremism, extremist activity, terrorism, terrorist activity, ideology, extremist, terrorist, crimes, religious extremism, political extremism, national (nationalist) extremism, countering extremist activity, countering terrorism, dialectical unity, essence, classification, types of terrorism and extremism


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142234128

IDR: 142234128

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