About the exponenter method in problems of simulating metal heating in furnaces

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Introduction. In the context of increasing requirements for the quality and efficiency of heating metal before rolling, the task of creating and improving algorithmic support for automated process control systems (APCS) for heating furnaces is quite relevant. Purpose of the study. To study the features of using the exponential method proposed in the scientific literature to describe the temperature fields of workpieces when heated in furnaces: the question of how well this approach corresponds to the physics of the heating process is clarified, and what accuracy of description can be achieved. It should be emphasized that this method is interesting, first of all, for the implementation of real-time mode in the process control system of heating furnaces.


Metal heating, automated control system, exponential method, model features, time function, determination of the initial condition, temperature distribution over the workpiece cross-section, satisfaction of boundary conditions, mass-average temperature


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147246028

IDR: 147246028   |   DOI: 10.14529/met240407

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