On some aspects of proving the guilt of a person who committed an administrative offense on the internet in the context of digitalization

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The article makes an attempt, based on an analysis of the judicial and administrative practice of internal affairs bodies (police) in identifying and bringing to administrative responsibility persons who have committed an offense on the Internet, to reveal the features of modern collection of evidence and procedural registration of cases of this category. The author emphasizes that the main importance for proving a person’s guilt is the expert’s opinion (Article 25.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and (or) written explanations of a specialist (Article 25.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), containing conclusions about the presence of signs of an administrative offense, as well as the recorded results of a visual inspection personal Internet page. Recommendations have been formulated for proving the guilt of a person who has committed an administrative offense on the Internet.


Administrative responsibility, administrative offense, internet, expert opinion, specialist, guilt of a person, proof, evidence

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140303973

IDR: 140303973

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