Some forms of prevention of child abandonment and neglect in the Great Patriotic War in the Altai territory

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In this paper the author considers the problem of prevention of child abandonment and neglect in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) in the Altay region. According to the results of a study of archive materials, covering the matter, and Literature, the author came to the conclusion that the issue of prevention of child abandonment and neglect solved at the level of all countries in general, and was reflected in the legislation of the Altay territory and confirmed in the ongoing our area events. Legislative regulation of adoption, guardianship, custody during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. allowed to alleviate the plight of those who lost their parents, and also played a major role in the elimination and prevention of child abandonment and neglect.


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IDR: 142178526

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