On certain personnel policy measures aimed at enhancing the professional potential of internal affairs officers

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Introduction: The effective realisation of the personnel potential of internal affairs bodies at the present stage is becoming increasingly important. In this regard, in the presented article the authors consider the possibilities of retaining and attracting personnel, including through the provision of certain social guarantees and the application of incentives. As an example, the recent changes related to the suspension of reimbursement of the costs of training in an educational organisation of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system for citizens who have re-entered the service in the internal affairs bodies are discussed in detail.


Staffing, implementation of the personnel potential of internal affairs bodies, social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies, reimbursement of training costs, evocates, recruitment to the internal affairs bodies

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182325

IDR: 143182325   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.76.37.011

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