On some features of measuring students’ feedback in the context of the university management

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Presented article is classified as a research one. In this article, the problem of efficient management of the university is presented in terms of current trends of higher education reforming, including the framework of the Bologna process. Intra - institutional research technologies are analyzed as one of the main components of effective management in the context of providing feedback from students, being one of the most productive methods in the field of effective management of modern university. In the article, the features of implementation, the method and methodology of such type of complex sociological cohort studies conducted over several years at the Yerevan State University are presented. Such studies allow for analyzing the situation from several aspects. On the one hand, the structural static component of the environment of university is detected. On the other hand, the dynamic picture of perception of the educational process, as well as the analysis of the vectors of possible transformations as a result of various management actions can be characterized. In particular, sharp fluctuations in student performance can detect the presence of certain dominant factors affecting the educational process or the situation of survey. In the article the possibility of using the results of the research for effective university management is presented. It is possible to analyze a wide range of features of student’s perception of all learning process at the University, the features of evaluating bachelors and masters, graduates of full-time and part-time training programs of different specialties in different faculties. The article analyzes the areas with highest students’ ratings, as well as the areas which have accumulated a number of problems that require operational management decisions. Institutional capacity of the university to develop a science-based management decisions based on the data obtained during such type of research is demonstrated.


Management of the educational process, modern university, university management, reforming of education system, quality of university education, feedback monitoring, institutional intrauniversity research

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227194

IDR: 142227194

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