On some problems of forensic activities in the Russian Federation

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The topicality of the theme lies in the conditions of a difficult situation in court procedure as a whole, which leads to the increase of the role of forensic provision. Thus, topical problems of forensic activity are analyzed, new ways of solving legal and organizational and methodical problems of work of forensic organizations, using special knowledge in court procedures, and professional training of experts, are elaborated. Recommendations on the increase of the level of forensic lead of the process of formation of evidentiary basis, are given. The article shows new forms of the organization of activity of non-state forensic institutes in the form of the Public Council on forensic activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which should provide for agreement on socially significant interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation, academic communities, forensic organizations and organs of the legislative, executive and juridical branches of power of subjects of the Russian Federation, during their realization of the state policy in the sphere of court expertise. Conclusion: there was made an attempt to improve existing aspects and elaborate new aspects of scientific, methodical, and organizational provision of forensic activity; recommendations on improvement of legislation on the given type of activity were elaborated.


Forensic expertise, evidence, expert, court, legal proceedings, public council, commission, technique, non-state forensic and expert organization

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232642

IDR: 142232642

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