About new sources of the first literary work in Samara

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The study of the illuminated manuscript created in Samara in 1628-1629 never ceases to amaze with new discoveries. The preface to the manuscript is the first literary text known to date created in the Samara region. The article describes the discovery of a new direct protograph of much of this preface. It turned out to be the afterword to the handwritten Prologue of 1589-1590. The author analyzes the complex history of the afterword text. The new discovery forces us to correct the previous idea about the degree of originality of the preface to the Samara manuscript: the preface is a creative compilation by a Samara scribe based on at least three different texts.


Samara manuscript 1628-1629, handwritten prologue 1589-1590, preface, afterword, nikita grigorievich stroganov, stefan basov, boris mikhailovich saltykov, stroganov library, manuscripts department of the russian state library

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328561

IDR: 148328561   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2023-5-4-5-15

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