On the new potentials of ellipsometry arising from the null optical circuit. Ellipsometry of real surface structures. 13. Generalization of invariant theory. Selection of measuring configurations in the ellipsometry of anisotropic media

Автор: Semenenko A.I., Semenenko I.A.

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Обзоры, систематизации, обобщения

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.18, 2008 года.

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The work generalizes isotrope media ellipsometry invariant theory in case of any measuring configurations of the device. The basic invariant properties appearing at various types of configurations are analyzed. General approach to selection of measuring configurations of the device providing peak effect in elimination of features in extended zone relations of ellipsometry of anisotropic media is developed. Thus (in the accepted approach) properties of invariant ellipsometry of isotropic media are used in full. Various types of measuring configurations are analyzed. At the same time the class of measuring configurations considerably differing from a classical configuration, but not eliminating features is found.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14264552

IDR: 14264552

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