About sites of Karamola type in Eastern Saryаrka (second half of I millennium bc)

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Purpose : Archaeological sites of the second half and the end of I millennium BC on the territory of Central Kazakhstan have not been studied well. In 1966 M. K. Kadyrbaev in eastern part of this region allocated early Iron Age Tasmolа culture dividing it into two chronological phases: VII-VI and V-III cc. BC. Currently, the availability of sites belonging to the second phase is specified, researchers have not revealed pure Tasmola objects of that time for the most areas of Central Kazakhstan. Results : In 1995 the author allocated Korgantass type of objects represented by graves which have special sacrificial space with skulls and leg bones of domestic animals at their head. It is thought that they are related by their origin to eastern regions of Central Asia and ethno-culturally belong to the early Hunnus period. Objects are dated to IV-II cc. BC. Nowadays more than 30 burials are known. In 2013 during the field season 4 burials in Karamola were studied by the author in the southeast of Karagandy region. The stone and earth mound has the diameter of 5 to 22 m, two large barrow ditches have diameters up to 42 m, at the base there are stone fences. Some oval constructions with the length of 2-2,5 m are located on the west side of the mounds. Planigraphy, parameters and material mounds, the presence of constructions indicate traditional exterior features of Tasmola cemeteries of the Central Kazakhstan. Large ground graves are up to 3,5 m and W-E line oriented. The dead are located with their heads to W, on their backs, stretched. A new part of the rite which is not connected with the peculiarities of Tasmola culture is large space left for the head of the buried person. Among the findings molded vessels, bronze studs, gold earrings, pommel, pendant were revealed. Conclusion : Graves were left by tribes of the late Saka period who experienced the impact of ethno-cultural population with adjacent areas. Two 14C dates obtained in the laboratory in the Belfast University UK fit the interval between IV-III cc. BC. Taking into consideration some of the previously investigated sites as well as the presence of other similar objects in appearance in the area, the author refers the investigated mounds to particular Karamola type. These objects are left by the groups of the population of the late Saka period who were living on the southern and southeast suburbs of the Central Kazakhstan and experienced ethno-cultural influences from tribes of adjacent regions. Thus, after end of the development line of Tasmola culture, in east part of the territory of the Central Kazakhstan funeral objects of Korgantass and Karamola types become common. For the specified area tracking and concretizing a problem of participation of groups of a Tasmola origin in structure of the Korgantass and Karamola population are still actual.


Eastern saryаrka, central kazakhstan, altai, zhetysu, tasmola culture, karamola type, mound, earrings, pendant, korgantas

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219151

IDR: 147219151

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