Concerning parabolic polyhedrons of copseudoeuclidean space

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The article presents the concept of a of the plane with Cayley-Klein's projective metrics, generalizing the concepts of a polygon and a n-contour on the basis of which the definition of a finite polyhedron in copseudoeuclidean space of R1 3* is given. The polyhedrons of space of R1 3* are examined; all their edges belong to parabolic straight lines. Such polyhedrons are called parabolic.

Копсевдоевклидово пространство r1 3*, многогранник в r1 3*, параболический многогранник в r1 3*, изотропно параболическое ребро параболического многогранника в r1 3*, copseudoeuclidean space of r1 3*, polyhedron in r1 3*, parabolic polyhedron in r1 3*, parabolic edge, isotropic parabolic edge of a parabolic polyhedron in r1 3*


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IDR: 144153665

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