On the inducement to the commission of unlawful acts in the course of controlled buy
Автор: Sheleznyak N.S., Leontyeva Ju.V.
Журнал: Вестник Сибирского юридического института МВД России @vestnik-sibui-mvd
Рубрика: Противодействие наркоугрозе: проблемы, пути решения
Статья в выпуске: 1 (34), 2019 года.
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The content of prohibition for provocation provided for by Part 8, Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Operational-Search Activity" being in the ratio with such operational-search actions as controlled buy is developed in the article. The authors critically analyze the approach of the European Court of Human Rights to the definition of the conduct which should be regarded as provocation.
Inducement, instigation, provocation, controlled buy
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IDR: 140243563