On the concept and content of the operative search activity "obtaining computer information"

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Further development of the Russian legislation related to operative search activities is characterized by the appearance of the concept of “obtaining computer information” and that has led to including this type of activities in the list of operative search activities. This is due to the fact that in Russia the list of operative search activities is comprehensive, and it is prohibited to carry out activities that are not indicated in the list. The study of the problems associated with this situation allows us to talk about the need to consolidate the concept of “operative search activities” in the Law on OSA, the advisability of supplementing this law with Article 5 under the title: “Basic Operative Search Concepts” and including the concept “Obtaining computer information” in this article.


Operative search science, operative search activities, obtaining computer information, law on osa

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233914

IDR: 142233914

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