On legal doctrine in the executive branch of government

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Legal doctrine makes a universal component of ideological and theoretical impact in the area of law, as well as in the area of implementation of activities of the whole mechanism of the Russian state, including its most significant structural elements - branches of government. Considering the impact of legal doctrine in the context of the executive branch of government, we can point out its key role in developing, among others, such legal principles as responsibility, efficiency, consistency, productivity, predictiveness. These principles, in their turn, serve as landmarks both for lawmaking and enforcement activities. When implementing executive powers, legal doctrine helps to define the balance between different administrative and legal institutions, as well as boundaries of reasonable law enforcement, between centralization and decentralization of power, and also contributes toward applicable interpretation of law. Legal doctrine works out provisions, which assist in grounding the incumbent mode of the executive branch of government. There can be no doubt that without such scientifically grounded, regulative and applied component of the legal framework of the state as legal doctrine, executive branch authorities would not have been there in the shape they now exist in our state.


Legal doctrine, executive authority, law, consistency, responsibility, state, subject, component

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IDR: 142232727

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