To the problem of the precedent phenomena with the source domain “Russian classical literature” in mass media of the Russian Federation

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The article studies some cases of the use of precedent phenomena with the source domain "Russian classical literature" in mass media of the Russian Federation. The aim of the author is to perform discursive, contextual, linguistic, and cognitive analysis of semantics and functionality of precedent phenomena. The author uses the descriptive method that includes observation, cognitive interpretation and classification. The material for the analysis is selected by means of continuous selection method. The author pays special attention to pragmatics of precedent phenomena and studies the publicists’ intentions realized by means of their use. The results of the research can be used in language geography courses, rhetoric, stylistics, in the research of the problems connected with national and cultural peculiarities of the modern Russian society as well as aspects of cross-cultural communication. Precedent phenomena with the source domain “Russian classical literature” are an effective means of realizing the author's ideas that accentuate their expressivity, emotionality and estimation.


Precedent phenomenon, source domain, russian classical literature, anthroponym, quote

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147154067   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling170212

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