On the emergence of pharaohs' domains in the first intermediate period

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In the areas conquered by the Theban kings of the early XIth dynasty, the evidence for the existence of nomarchs gradually stops, for these areas coming under the direct control of the palace. This emergence of a sort of «royal domain» is often considered as «dramatic change in administrative policy by the Thebans» (H. Willems) and one of the reasons for their final victory over the Heracleopolitans. The article points out, however, that since the VIth dynasty not a single official with the «nomarch» title Hry-tp aA is known to the north of Upper Egyptian nome XV as well. Thus, the Heracleopolitan kings also had a royal domain around their residencies, which is referred to in the tomb inscription of the Asyut ruler Khety II (ll. 10-12) and described in the «Teaching for Merikare» (ll. 80-105). The Heracleopolitans' domain was certainly older, and there are good reasons to believe that the Thebans just emulated the northern kings' practice.


First intermediate period, heracleopolis, thebes, asyut, royal domain

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IDR: 147219180

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