About development of garden radish plants in oligotroph water culture under the influence of dispersed admixtures

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The author investigates the development of garden radish plants (Raphanus sativus L.) in low mineralized water medium under the influence of clayey, soil and coal dispersed admixtures. It was shown, that the presence of suspended substances and their content do not influence on rate of growth and plants biological productivity. The mass development of algae in the absence of suspended admixtures was revealed, that cause the sharp rise of total adhesive surface without reduction of plants biological productivity. The water-clean ability of rhizosphere at the same time is increased essentially. It was noted, that rate of growth and mass of plants in conditions of oligotrophic water culture is 50-70 times less than the rate during optimal conditions of intensive hydroponics.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142132950

IDR: 142132950

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