On the implementation of a program-targeted approach in the development of rural areas of the Volgograd region
Автор: Mitrofanova I., Shkarupa E.
Журнал: Региональная экономика. Юг России @re-volsu
Рубрика: Условия, ресурсы, факторы и механизмы развития Юга России
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.12, 2024 года.
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Issues of rural development always remain complex and pressing in the implementation of state policy. This is especially noticeable in modern conditions of the need to ensure the country’s food security. This situation is aggravated by unresolved problems of the social, demographic, economic, and cultural components of the territories, which are characterized by their individuality and heterogeneity. A significant contribution to the development of rural areas and improving the quality of life of the population is determined by the currently implemented State Program of the Russian Federation for the integrated development of rural areas, which in turn contributes to the achievement of the country’s national goals declared by the President. However, the use of universal support measures, increased funding for programs and projects, and expanded tools to support rural residents have not solved all problems. There are still unsatisfactory living conditions for the population, infrastructural gaps, mainly social, the presence of unemployment, and differentiation in receiving cultural, leisure, medical, and educational services. The results of the analysis carried out by the authors of some aspects of the socio-economic development of rural areas of the Volgograd region have proven the effectiveness of the measures being implemented and the possibility and necessity of their continuation. The geopolitical situation and growing challenges reinforce the issues of expanding agricultural production and ensuring food security in our country, emphasizing the status of rural areas as a strategic resource for solving these problems. The key directions for the development of rural areas have been identified: maintaining and increasing the number of working-age population, attracting qualified personnel, mainly the young population, and adjusting measures of programs and projects in accordance with the needs of rural residents. It is advisable to continue to create conditions for the development of rural areas in accordance with the priorities of the program.
State policy, quality of life, integrated development, rural population, program-targeted approach, rural areas
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149146910
IDR: 149146910 | DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.18