On the semantic peculiarities of imperative utterances in modern English language

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The work is devoted to the semantic peculiarities of imperative utterances in modern English language. It emphasizes the fact that the function of giving the impulse to act is one of the oldest functions of the language. Language possesses various means of expressing this function. The work points out that the role of imperative utterances in the language as the means of communication between people is extremely important. Their major function is direct will expression, and they have specific grammatical features. The usage of utterances with imperative semantics by a speaker has the most pronounced influence on the communicative partner. The article examines grammatical peculiarities and functions of imperative constructions. It points out the usage of imperative constructions not only in imperative utterances with the semantic shades of order, command, prohibition, but also in those with the meaning of warning, request, advice.


Imperative utterances, linguistics, communicative behaviour, linguistic means, semantics, communicative act, imperative

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489784

IDR: 14489784

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