On a system of notional subject's regulation in the context of correctional influence on a delinquent person

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The article considers the peculiarities of organizing a system of notional regulation in the development of socio-useful forms of a subject's activity; the possible variants of deformation of this system and general difficulties of making a constructive dialogue with a delinquent person during correctional influence are described and illustrated. The individual transformation of notional regulation system under the conditions of correctional institution is also analyzed. The directions of deformation of this system concerning the person with delinquent signs are revealed. The conclusion of the absence of a single right approach to a choice of universal method of correctional influence on a delinquent person is made.


Correction, criminal subculture, location of notional markers, punishment, behavior normativity, penitentiary ideology, human freedom, penal system

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140196519

IDR: 140196519

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