Concerning the internal control over operations on settlements with contractors of the holding company “Russian Railways”

Автор: Kuznetsov Aleksey Valeryevich

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2015 года.

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Internal control is implementation of one of the main functions of the management system by means of achieving of stated goals by comparing the actual state of the system with the planned one. Based on the data of the audit, the adaptation of the system is accomplished, i.e. the adoption of optimizing management decisions. The article systematizes information about the internal control of settlements with contractors, existing in the “Russian Railways" holding company. The author presents and reasons the point of view on the system of internal control of payments to the contractors based on the work of the Center for corporate accounting and reporting “Zheldoruchyot", subsidiary of Russian Railways, JSC.


Internal control system, accounting and analytical support, payments to contractors

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IDR: 14936971

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