To lekton in stoic philosophy and Sinn in G. Frege's semantic theory: the question of their relationship: the question of their ontological status

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As previously (ΣΧΟΛΗ 9.2 [2015] 241-252) the article deals with the Stoic category to lekton and G. Frege's category of Sinn. I explicate some formal features of these categories, which demonstrate the similarity of the Stoic and the Fregean logical theories. In particular, I demonstrate that the concept of “complete lekton ” (axiōma) in the Stoic doctrine has the same structure as the concept of thought ( Gedanke ) in Frege's semantic theory. However, the formal structural similarity between to lekton and Sinn does not presupposes the ontological similarities in these theories.

To lecton, sinn, axiōma, gedanke, stoic logic, to lekton, g. frege, semantic theory, comparative studies, ancient and contemporary logic, ontological status

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IDR: 147103466

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