On the state of information support in the system of higher education

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The article presents the results of analysis of information support of the Russian education system in general and higher education system received during research conducted by the Center of continuous education RPANEPA. Preparation of information and analytic materials related to comparative evaluation of the state of educational systems and organizations required the use of information resources presented at different sources: websites of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, RosStat, universities and education administration bodies of the Russian Federation. During this work several problems were identified related to obtaining and using required information which was the reason for conducting analysis and preparing suggestions on eliminating these problems. In order to prepare suggestions on improving information support we systematized requirements for information resources given in the active legislation documents. The results of studying information sources in the context of these requirements allowed for making a conclusion that resources containing information about universities do not fully meet requirements to openness and accessibility and also for formulating the challenges of using information for preparing analytical materials concerning the state of educational system, its subsystems and elements. Conducted analysis allowed for formulating suggestions on improving information support in the field of unifying the structure and format of information keeping as well as access interfaces, adapted to the needs of the main users target groups.


Quality of information support, open data, evaluation of the state of the education system, information-analytical activity, higher education

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227181

IDR: 142227181

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