On improving legal conditions for counterterrorism operations and the introduction of administrative and legal regime of counter-terrorism operation

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to the improvement of the legal environment of the counterterrorist operation. On the basis of the Russian anti-terrorist and criminal law the author makes an attempt to show the need to balance security measures with terrorist offenses by administrative measures and temporary restrictions imposed under the legal regime of counter-terrorism operations. In order to improve the legal environment of the counterterrorist operation and administration of the legal regime of counter-terrorism operations the author asks to clarify certain provisions of the anti-terrorism legislation. The author comes to the conclusion on the possibility to indicate material factual basis of anti-terrorism security measures by the concept of «act of terrorism».


Counter-terrorism, counter-terrorist operation, legal regime, act of terrorism

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147149976

IDR: 147149976

Статья научная