About Trinity-Sergius redaction of Stishnoy Prolog

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The article describes the textual features of the Trinity-Sergius redaction of Stishnoy Prolog. To the Trinity-Sergius redaction were attributed six of the 39 known copies of Stishnoy Prolog of spring half of the year. Stishnoy Prolog is a translation from Greek into Slavic the Verse Synaxarion made in the XIV century in the Trnovo book school. Slavic Verse Synaxarion, the reading calendar collection, contained brief lives of the saints, accompanied by a brief verse. In Old Russia Slavic Stishnoy Prolog was complemented with instructive stories and edifying words of the Church Fathers, the memories and lives of Old Russian and South Slavic saints, stories about the events of church life in Old Russia. Exploring the history of existence of lists of Stishnoy Prolog of XV-XVII centuries of spring half of the year, we have identified five editions of The Stishnoy Prolog based on differences in the structure of the readings of the month, in the type of readings per one day, and differences in sources of moralizing readings. The Trinity-Sergius edition differs from other highly textual proximity of lists, which, in our opinion, explained by the fact that the manuscripts of XVI century were directly copied from the lists of XV century, which, in turn, were created as a result of editing the South Slavic lists of Stishnoy Prolog by monks of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in the first half of the XV century. Outlined in this article the results of textual analysis of composition of readings support the view of L. P. Zhukovska about the existence of annual sets of Stishnoy Prolog created in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the XV and XVI centuries. Textological differences between the spring lists of these annual sets are minimal. Conversely, there are common textological signs that distinguish lists of annual sets from other lists of Trinity-Sergius groups and at the same time confirm that lists Tpц-716 and Трц-718 corresponded directly with the Трц-715 and Трц-717, respectively. Differences of Trinity-Sergius edition appear in the composition of the memory of saints, a special set of edifying words in which the preference is given to the words of the Church Fathers, and the availability of the original Russian readings not found in other editions of Stishnoy Prolog, in particular, the memory of finding of relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, July 5 and Word about of making body of Leontius of Rostov on May 23. Conducted textual analysis allowed to build a relationship cheme of lists of Trinity-Sergius edition.


Edition, composition of readings, textual differences, lexical discrepancies, stishnoy prolog

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