About the influence of tectonic centers on the structure and properties of pine and fir timber in Arkhangelsk region

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The article presents the results of study of macrostructure and microstructure of spruce and pine trees that grow in the south of Arkhangelsk region in the middle taiga subzone. Four sample plots were laid (SP), 2 on the territory of Velsk-Ustyansky tectonic center 2 and beyond. SP were chosen most similar in forest growth and taxation data. In SP there were selected 30 cores of wood south-north, at chest height. With optic and digital setup and measuring program the proportion of late wood, the width of the annual ring, the proportion affected by rot were determined. Also in 7 cores of each SP the thickness of the cell walls of early and late wood was measured. There were significant differences in the share of pine wood later, the thickness of the cell walls and the absence of de-cay between SP growing in the center of the tecton-ic unit and control. In spruce wood structure differ-ences are present, but they are not significant. But it is also noted fewer rotting wood in the center of the tectonic unit. Thus, preliminary studies have shown that such geo-ecological factors as tectonic dislocation intersection nodes, affects the structure and properties of softwood grown in their territories. It is possible that this influence is manifested through the differences in the content of trace ele-ments in the soil, the differences in rainfall and oth-er environmental conditions are formed in the areas of nodes.


Tectonic center, annual ring width, proportion of late wood, thickness of the cell wall, pine, fir

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084646

IDR: 14084646

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