Compensation for damage caused by administrative offenses in the securities market

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The article deals with the problem of compensation for damage caused by administrative offenses in the securities market of the Russian Federation, with an emphasis on legal mechanisms and their effectiveness. The article analyzes the regulatory framework, including the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses, which determine the possibilities of compensation for both material and non-material damage to affected investors. Special attention is paid to key compensation mechanisms, such as compensation for real damage, lost profits and moral damage, as well as restoration of violated rights. The paper identifies the main problems of implementing these mechanisms, including difficulties in proving cause and effect, the duration of trials, low investor awareness and inefficiency in the execution of court decisions. Ways to improve legal mechanisms are proposed, including improving the legislative framework, optimizing judicial procedures, increasing financial literacy of investors and strengthening the role of the regulator. The conclusion emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to create a reliable system for protecting the rights of securities market participants, which helps to strengthen confidence in the country's financial system and its sustainable development.


Compensation for harm, market participant, paper, administrative offense, lost profit, russian federation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207322   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-5-204-207

Статья научная