On calculation of a scattering amplitude of closing in a complex field

Автор: Sharfarets B.P.

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Математические модели

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.19, 2009 года.

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The works shows that the expression for the closing scattering amplitude in the field, consisting of a set of flat waves satisfies to homogeneous Helmholtz equation out of a source of these waves on variable co-ordinates of closing. It has allowed to receive simple asymptotic rows on return degrees of distance between a source of waves and closing for scattering amplitude calculation. Examples of these rows use are given.

Helmholtz equation, scattering amplitude, asymptotic method

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14264601

IDR: 14264601

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