On the protection of honor and dignity of public authorities in the field of administrative order

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The article analyzes the characteristics of the classification of insulting of a representative of authority in the field of administrative order. For absence of elements of defamation in the act against a public officer, in practice, there are often mistakes, and defamation is determined under Art. 319 of the Criminal Code as an insult of a representative of authority. The author proposes to introduce into the Criminal Code article 319.1 "Defamation of a representative of authority", as well as to add a determining element to article 319 of the Criminal Code. The author concludes, that the degree of public danger of the crime under Art. 319 of the Criminal Code, largely depends on the level of infringement of the interests of public authorities. The analysis is based on the study of criminal laws of foreign countries, statistical data and data of law enforcement practice.


Honor, dignity, representative of authority, insult, slander, administrative order

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232671

IDR: 142232671

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