About the importance of developing student’s learning motivation

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At present, much attention is paid to educational motivation in the educational process. The foundation of educational and cognitive activity of a person is a cognitive motive that arises in a problematic situation and develops with the qualitative interaction of students and teachers. The educational motivation formed during student’s studies at the university becomes the basis for his professional activity, and it is the installation of «education through life» that very accurately reflects the current situation. The paper considers the hierarchical structure of the motivational sphere of personality, analyzes the components of the motivational sphere and its parameters. Emphasis is placed on the classification of educational motives based on the identification of the reason responsible for the motivation to act. The groups of factors that determine the development of educational motivation and methods of motivating students are studied. The article presents the results of an empirical study of students' learning motivation and reveals the indirect influence of coaching technologies on it.


Motivational sphere, educational motivation, motive, pedagogical skills, coaching

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328863

IDR: 148328863   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.24.02.P.118

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