About the results of publication of the journal “Territorial development issues” in 2015

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The article presents the results of publication of the journal “Territorial Development Issues” in 2015. The analysis of the journal’s issues was conducted in the following areas: the share of articles by “outside” authors (scientists who are not employees of ISEDT RAS), the “geography” of authors, the number of articles of specialists of higher scientific qualifications in the total amount of publications, the statistics of visits to the journal’s website by Internet users, the journal’s position in the ranking of multidisciplinary journals in the Russian Science Citation Index by two-year impact factor. The study shows that in 2015, the journal published 57 scientific articles by authors residing in two federal districts, two federal cities of Russia and one foreign country. During the analysis, the author reveals that the number of publications of scientists who are not employees of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS is maintained at the level of more than 15%, the share of articles of specialists of higher scientific qualifications in the total number of works published in 2015 is significant and amounts to 42.1%. It is shown that the policy of the journal’s development implemented by the Editorial Council has led to an increasing interest in the publication, which is reflected in the manifold increase in the number of hits on the journal’s website. So, by the end of 2015, the total number of visits to the journal’s website by Internet users amounted to more than 41 thousand. The article also points out that according to the 2014 RSCI two-year impact factor, the journal ranked 91st out of 313 in the ranking of multidisciplinary journals. In conclusion, the article summarizes the general results and sets out the goals for the development of the journal for the near future.


Scientific electronic journal, impact factor, editorial policy, development of the journal

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14746408

IDR: 14746408

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