About the change in the meaning of cognates while borrowing in the European languages

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The topicality of problems in the given article is determined by the desire for clarity of the expressed sense on the part of communicants in the use of foreign borrowings. The novelty of the material consists in the huge unexplored aspect of the explication of semantic derivation of borrowings as a way of sense development of the meaning while borrowing, admitting non-categoric interpretation. Constructing associations, the search for similar semes by the linguist-interpreter paves the way for the readers, interested in the etymology of borrowings, but lacking all the necessary handy means and methods. The correctness of terminological system of the article may cause criticism due to the unexplored character of the aspect of semantic derivation explication. Methods of investigation applied in the given article are comparative-historic, etymological, introspective, experimental, associative methods. Among the cited methods the introspective and associative ones can be called relatively new. The provability of the conclusions of the article is verified by the “corridor” or “variation”, in Ye.V. Uryson’s terminology, between the correlation of semantics of the borrowings of dictionary meanings and the modern spoken usage of the borrowings, that is that the “final points” are well known. The author of the article tried to keep to the logic of expressing the material, substantiating her ideas with the opinions of the authoritative linguists.


Cognates, borrowings, semantic derivation, explication of sense, semantic variation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147153987

IDR: 147153987   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling150402

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