On ethnic identification in the Central Asia states: political analysis

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The article presents a comprehensive political science analysis, which shows that the newly independent states of Central Asia have their own development models, ways to strengthen sovereignty and build a democratic society, which create generally favorable preconditions for deepening regional integration and expanding international cooperation with the world community. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the features of the political systems of Central Asian states, which show that they have different political regimes that allow ethnic identification to take place in line with the optimal choice of their national identities, which contribute to strengthening mutual consent and interaction of all peoples inhabiting the Central Asian region. The subject of the analysis is the processes of formation of a new political democracy, social and political transformation in Central Asian states, their connection with socio-political reforms in the conditions of socio-political changes. The main results and conclusions obtained made it possible, based on the analysis, to optimize the sphere of ethnic identification of Central Asian states.


Ethnic identity, political regime, constitution, sovereignty, integration, development model, democracy, democratic transition, open society

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203352

IDR: 170203352   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-62-69

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